
How I make money as a writer Part 2- Alternative forms of publishing

How I make money as a writer Part 2- Alternative forms of publishing

In this article we will review what seem to be newer, or simply alternative forms of sharing your writing with the world.

One of the formats that I did not expect to become as popular as it did, as fast as it did, was pay- per- read formats. I have not yet tried it (As of the time writing this) so I will be drawing off the experience of two other writers who have tried it. I am sure there are plenty of sites that use this format, but the one I am most familiar with is Medium.

The Writing Process, or “How L.J. Writes A Novel”

The Writing Process, or “How L.J. Writes A Novel”

Everyone has a different approach to writing and it’s important to find what works and feels true for you. I throw on music (with lyrics even) or else I can’t work. Others wouldn’t be able to work in such a noisy, distracting environment. I can’t get my characters to work unless I throw a little emotional chaos into the mix. With that caveat, there are a few general techniques I want to talk about to help other writers turn into authors.

'The Dying Sun' Official Publication Date

'The Dying Sun' Official Publication Date

Happy Memorial Day Weekend! It is official. The Dying Sun is one button click away from publishing, and that button press is happening on June 15th at 10:30AM PST.

Author Updates: Beach puppy and housekeeping

Author Updates: Beach puppy and housekeeping

Beta reading is almost complete, which means we’re coming close to the final edits and polish stage. I’ve been busy doing my own round of edits before sending it off to an editor, as well as continuing the outline for ‘The Gods Chronicle’. The series will ultimately have two main parts, with several books in each — I’ve always been ambitious, and as daunting a project as it is I’m excited to make it a reality.