Sword & Board Updates

Out with the Old, In with the New. Also, Lets Travel to the Stars.

Out with the Old, In with the New. Also, Lets Travel to the Stars.

I apologize, it had been a minute! Let’s dive right into the updates.

Survey: We Want to Hear from YOU

Survey: We Want to Hear from YOU

A quick update for your Wednesday. We are making some changes to our Patreon and in doing so, we’d love to have your feedback! The survey shouldn’t take more than 5-10 minutes on the absolute outside, so pause your scrolling and share your opinion!

Narrativity: AKA the Best Small Con You've Never Heard Of (And Should Attend)

Narrativity: AKA the Best Small Con You've Never Heard Of (And Should Attend)

Do you like small conventions? Intelligent discussion? Do you have the ability to debate points like an adult and then have dinner with the holder of said dissenting opinion? Do you have an interesting affectation (not required but definitely encouraged)? Basically, when boiled down to it, do you have an open mind and enjoy learning and the occasional well-placed f-bomb?

Then Narrativity is for you.

Publishing Update: The Hardcover Edition!

Publishing Update: The Hardcover Edition!

A couple of quick updates this time around. There is a giveaway on Facebook and Instagram that was supposed to end today, but in scheduling it to end this week I forgot about a minor spinal surgery yours truly had already scheduled. While I’m recovering from that…

'The Dying Sun' is AVAILABLE

'The Dying Sun' is AVAILABLE

We made it! It’s been years coming, with many bumps along the road, but it’s finally here. The Dying Sun is out in the world available for reading, reviewing, and sharing. Thank you to everyone who helped this book along its way,

Monday Surprise: Pre-ordering is AVAILABLE

Monday Surprise: Pre-ordering is AVAILABLE

Having never published a book before, I wasn’t sure what to expect leading up to publishing on the 15th. Well, processing and uploading have finished. That means, to my delight, that pre-ordering is now available!