Shai’Khal is an expansive empire spanning the entirety of its continent. Originally, the continent consisted of four countries: Ydeba, Raudhah, Kaitan, and Kuzen. During the War of Unification, these countries were brought to heel under one ruler. Each province now answers to the Shahanshah, who resides in Madiar.
The City of Madiar.
“Madiar was a city unlike anything Loralee had seen before. In the desert heat, it’s white walls disappeared and reappeared in the haze. Loralee was shocked by how close they had to come before she could be certain the white stone walls weren’t a mirage. The city seemed to stretch on forever. Over the grand walls, towers and minarets pierced the clear blue sky... Even as skeptical as Loralee was, she couldn’t help the feeling that gods had indeed left their mark on Madiar’s walls. The ancient city felt ageless upon approach.”
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