


Advance Review (or sometimes called Reader) Copies are books released to reviewers ahead of publication. These reviewers then post their honest opinions about the book on release day across multiple platforms (like Amazon and GoodReads). Whether it’s a 5 or a 1 star, an honest review is worth it’s weight in gold—which is one of the reasons ARC editions are free to the reviewer.

Publishing Update: The Hardcover Edition!

Publishing Update: The Hardcover Edition!

A couple of quick updates this time around. There is a giveaway on Facebook and Instagram that was supposed to end today, but in scheduling it to end this week I forgot about a minor spinal surgery yours truly had already scheduled. While I’m recovering from that…

Book Review: Jade Dragon Mountain

Book Review: Jade Dragon Mountain

When I came home after vacation, I was unsure what book to pick up from the to-be-read pile. I had my non-fiction read started, but needed something fiction. Something a little less knock-down-drag-em-out on my emotions than The Dragon Republic was. Looking over my bookcase, I came to Jade Dragon Mountain.

There Are No Heroes Here: 'Vicious', by V.E. Schwab

There Are No Heroes Here: 'Vicious', by V.E. Schwab

Antihero, ‘a protagonist or notable figure who is conspicuously lacking in heroic qualities ‘ (Merriam Webster online, 2019). I find it’s easy for people to conflate villains and antiheroes, which is a disservice to both character styles. In Vicious, knowing the difference is important. If you’re looking for a book with virtuous heroes or a clear moral line, Vicious isn’t for you. If you’ve joined the dark side, then grab a cookie and read on.