
Book Review: Jade Dragon Mountain

Book Review: Jade Dragon Mountain

When I came home after vacation, I was unsure what book to pick up from the to-be-read pile. I had my non-fiction read started, but needed something fiction. Something a little less knock-down-drag-em-out on my emotions than The Dragon Republic was. Looking over my bookcase, I came to Jade Dragon Mountain.

Book Review: The Dragon Republic

Book Review: The Dragon Republic

The Dragon Republic, written by R.F. Kuang, is the sequel to The Poppy War. Unlike many sequels, The Dragon Republic doesn’t suffer from sequel syndrome. It follows protagonist Rin as she struggles to come to terms with the atrocities of war, the loss of trusted leadership, drug abuse, and PTSD. If you haven’t read The Poppy War, I highly suggest doing so and then immediately following up with The Dragon Republic.