The Dragon Republic, written by R.F. Kuang, is the sequel to The Poppy War. Unlike many sequels, The Dragon Republic doesn’t suffer from sequel syndrome. It follows protagonist Rin as she struggles to come to terms with the atrocities of war, the loss of trusted leadership, drug abuse, and PTSD. If you haven’t read The Poppy War, I highly suggest doing so and then immediately following up with The Dragon Republic.
The rest of the review will be spoiler-heavy, as it is impossible to review a sequel without alluding to the events of The Poppy War.
“The anger was a shield. The anger helped her to keep from remembering what she’d done. Because as long as she was angry, then it was okay — she’d acted within reason. She was afraid that if she stopped being angry, she might crack apart.”
I am highly impressed with the ease of which The Dragon Republic can stand on its own merits as a story. As Rin comes to terms with Altan’s death, she struggles with how to move forward. When presented with the opportunity to join forces with Nezha’s father, the Dragon Warlord, Rin easily accepts his leadership. It fills the emotional void left behind by Altan’s death and the Empress’ betrayal. The story shows character growth between Rin, Nezha, and the rest of the Cike. But Rin enters a world of politics she’s wholly unprepared for. A world where Rin trusts too easily, reacts too quickly, and embodies the dangers of fire and the Phoenix sometimes too hastily.
R.F. Kuang is an exceptionally talented writer. The world she builds is vivid. The additions to the cast of characters don’t overwhelm the characters from the previous book. And, fair warning, she is quite willing to kill her darlings. There is a particular scene I recall vividly that is horrifying and perfect. I won’t spoil it. It’s worth reading and squirming through.
The only complaint I can level at The Dragon Warlord is the ease of which the rest of the shamans control their gods. Sumi is introduced in The Poppy War during a physical struggle with his god that only Altan could wrestle him out of. It’s stated that this happens somewhat often but is never a struggle that Rin (as the new commander) is required to handle. It’s a small detail, perhaps easily handwaved as a personal struggle he’s been working on, but one I would have loved a little more time spent on.
5/5 Stars
“You will die thinking I have abandoned you all. But I do not hesitate to say that I value the lives of my people far more than I have ever valued you.”
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