how to write a novel

Writing Advice: When Do I Hire Professionals?

Writing Advice: When Do I Hire Professionals?

You’ve done it! Your first draft is complete, the whole story has been written down from beginning to end. After that initial sense of awestruck wonder that holy crap I’ve actually finished it, then comes the daunting sense of foreboding: What the heck comes next?

The Writing Process, or “How L.J. Writes A Novel”

The Writing Process, or “How L.J. Writes A Novel”

Everyone has a different approach to writing and it’s important to find what works and feels true for you. I throw on music (with lyrics even) or else I can’t work. Others wouldn’t be able to work in such a noisy, distracting environment. I can’t get my characters to work unless I throw a little emotional chaos into the mix. With that caveat, there are a few general techniques I want to talk about to help other writers turn into authors.