female author

Mists of Aldruin Short Story 2: The Death of the Shah

Mists of Aldruin Short Story 2: The Death of the Shah

The Herald’s bell cut through the courtroom conversations. Judging from the open surprise on the Duq’s previously impassive face, no one new was expected. The setting sun poured through the curtained windows, painting the room in red and orange. There was a heavy haze from where servants had put out hookahs. The evening had been coming to a close, wine and araq had been swapped for coffee and tea. Loralee placed her tea on a nearby windowsill. She smoothed her blue and silver sari, careful not to catch the bangles on her wrists upon the delicate fabric, then maneuvered her way through the nobles to stand near the main aisle. Others seemed to have had similar thoughts…

Truth from Secrets: 'The Storyteller's Secret'.

Truth from Secrets: 'The Storyteller's Secret'.

A quote I’m very fond of is ‘Artists use lies to tell the truth,’ from V for Vendetta. It’s an appropriate and apt notion for The Storyteller’s Secret. There are two stories within the book. The first centers around Jaya, a NY journalist who is struggling with her third miscarriage and marital strife. After finding out that her grandfather in India is dying, Jaya is determined to uncover secrets buried in their past. It’s her last ditch attempt to reclaim who she used to be, before sorrow and grief tore a hole in her soul.