fantasy short stories

The Gods Chronicle Anthology eBook Sampler

The Gods Chronicle Anthology eBook Sampler

If you’re looking at this before May 1, 2022, we’re currently running a special promotion on our Patreon where when you sign up at any tier, you receive the patron-only Gods Chronicle Anthology, volume 1. It is an alpha read edition that gives a great deal of backstory for characters within The Dying Sun, such as Merikh, Loralee, and Nikias. It also gives perspective to oft talked about characters Mansur and Rajiya.

Below are snippets from each of the shorts within the anthology. If you’d like to read them in full, please consider becoming a patron. Tiers start at $5/month. Thank you!

Mists of Aldruin Short Story 3: The Shahzade's Magic

Mists of Aldruin Short Story 3: The Shahzade's Magic

The sun cast short shadows over the palace garden. A large platter of decadent food lay on the table within the vine-covered pavilion. It was supposed to be a quiet lunch for the royal family; the khanum often insisted on these lunches whenever she felt the need to compensate for a lapse in maternal skills. At least, that was how Mansur viewed it. But he humored her desire for it—there was always a rather full decanter of chilled wine to compensate for the inanity of the lunch. Today, Mansur would have preferred a dull lunch over the one forced upon him.

Now what’s wrong with him?” Mansur gestured towards the shahzade.

Mists of Aldruin Short Story 2: The Death of the Shah

Mists of Aldruin Short Story 2: The Death of the Shah

The Herald’s bell cut through the courtroom conversations. Judging from the open surprise on the Duq’s previously impassive face, no one new was expected. The setting sun poured through the curtained windows, painting the room in red and orange. There was a heavy haze from where servants had put out hookahs. The evening had been coming to a close, wine and araq had been swapped for coffee and tea. Loralee placed her tea on a nearby windowsill. She smoothed her blue and silver sari, careful not to catch the bangles on her wrists upon the delicate fabric, then maneuvered her way through the nobles to stand near the main aisle. Others seemed to have had similar thoughts…