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How I Make Money As A Writer Part 3: Non-writing Formats

How I Make Money As A Writer Part 3: Non-writing Formats

In this day and age, as I am sure I have complained about before, simply writing is not always enough to get by on. Sure, there are some individuals who do that and tend to be just fine, but simply put, I am not one of those individuals. I am amongst the individuals who have long since accepted that we need to market ourselves on top of simply marketing our books, and in this case, we may need writing- adjacent side hustles. I know there are far more options than the ones I will discuss here, but for now, I will tell you about a few different methods I have done myself. We will discuss streaming, YouTube, and merch shops for now. I know some people may profit off of conversational podcasts or writing Instagrams that turn a profit, but I am simply not one of those types. As with the other two articles I wrote, I will try and stick to what I know.