Small Gods
As stated in the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy blog post, I am not truly a fan of surreal or absurdist writing. Dry British humor can save it, but it’s not truly my thing. Small Gods is absurd. It can be grating. It is a ridiculous story. But by god(s) did I learn from it!
“Just because you can explain it doesn’t mean it’s not still a miracle.”
Pratchett earned the title of master storyteller for a reason. Small Gods is a sharp political and religious commentary with idiosyncratic philosophies peppered in. Pratchett also managed something I have rarely seen done (and never done well): a book full of idiots, without them being beyond frustrating to read. The world is so well crafted around these idiotic principles, that the stupidity of the main character is truly offset by his glowing gentle personality. He may not be smart, but he’s at least kind. A goal, I think, we should all remember to occasionally aspire to. We may not be smart, or may not be smart all the time, but the least we can be is kind.
4/5 stars
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