May Madness

I owe you an apology for this post. It isn’t a book review, and I have no new update to share. It has been an excruciating week in my life, full of some shining ups and heartbreaking downs. My best friend’s dog is waiting on a confirmed cancer diagnosis. I found that out the same day another dear friend found out she has stage four cancer. Both friends are half a continent away. Today, my car had a hissy fit that may or may not be an easy at home fix.

I have written next to nothing this week, but I have been reading. Emotional ups and downs wreck havoc on creativity. I don’t ascribe to the idea of forcing writing. I attempted to do so for The Dying Sun and each forced section took a great deal more work and editing than the unforced (forced vs uncomfortable are two different things).

Life is going to adjust again to another new normal as I do all I can to help these remarkable ladies. I have five blog posts planned that I hope to write and get ahead of the curve again so that these gaps in content don’t happen. Until then, your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated.
