Join L.J. Stanton and other authors, readers, and story-telling enthusiasts at Narrativity in Plymouth, Minnesota!
In simplest terms, Narrativity is a gathering of writers, readers, and other interested parties who want to get together and talk about storytelling, and how to do it better. With a single track of programming, ideas can carry through from one panel to the next and the conversation continues all weekend.
At Narrativity, our primary focus is on fantasy fiction, but we love a good story regardless of genre or format. We want to talk with smart people about how to write good things well. We want to explore all aspects of writing, from concepts to word choices, from what to put in to what to leave out — and what effects each of those decisions can have on the completed work. We want to discover new ways of talking about that complicated, half-seen process that occurs when somebody says “Wouldn’t it be cool if….” We want to share ideas with people who do things differently, who have different perspectives and come from different starting places, because we firmly believe that a free and friendly exchange of ideas makes all of us richer.
And while Narrativity could be called a “writing convention”, it isn’t just for writers! Readers are an important part of the discussion; after all, it doesn’t matter how good the writing is if nobody’s reading it. A story exists in a strange blended universe built from the reader’s imagination as well as the writer’s, and we want input from all sides of the process. When we talk about how we write, we’re also talking about how we read, and how a story goes from a vague tickle inside one person’s brain to a plethora of fully-fledged universes (all different, all fascinating) inside many brains.
We love spirited discussions, and digging deep into challenging subjects, and bad jokes, and good friends (including the ones we haven’t met yet). If that sounds like your idea of a great way to spend a weekend, then you want to be at Narrativity!